Ayahuasca, meaning ‘vine of the soul’, is traditionally used as a plant medicine amongst the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest. Banisteriopsis Caapi, or ‘Aya Vine’ as it is commonly known, does not contain DMT, which is only present in the Chakruna plant.
Aya Vine alone is a sacred plant medicine & herbal agent, that has incredibly profound & powerful healing properties for the physical, mental & emotional bodies.
May help with depression and anxiety
Helps release trauma, old patterns & habits
Helps focus attention
Inspires creativity
Increases receptivity to new ideas and improves decision making
Increases periods of being in ‘flow’
Enhances intuition
Brings deeper feelings of gratitude and love to self & others
Grounding, & helps develop stronger boundaries
Brings greater vitality
Promotes deep inner calm
Helps bring clarity to finding & fulfilling your life purpose
Can help relieve symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases (Parkinsons etc)
Hunting aid (improved vision)
The Ayahuasca plant can be brewed alone as Banisteriopsis Caapi, or in combination with the Chakruna plant which creates the psychoactive Ayahuasca.
This Aya Vine comes direct from a reliable & sustainable source in Peru. It is harvested on the full moon and blessed by the plant gatherers..The Tincture is blessed with singing mantras & prayer, while placed to cool alongside crystals to charge their powerful spirit energy.
Expect Revelations, Inspirations, Meditation, Joy, Healing, Love, Fears Released, Drum Journey & Sound Healing, Empowerment, Clarity, Somatic Movement, Manifestation Ritual.
Thurs 3rd Feb - Hosted by Sense In Spirit's Sarah
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Northern Quarter, Manchester
(Earlybird offer until Friday 28th Jan
Bring a friend for free)
Tickets £25
Limited Space - book now if interested <3